Friday 23 October 2015



M= macro, that’s for small things
S= seaside, it’s for holidays
A= amateur, you use that when you first get the camera
P= professional, that’s the setting for the best results
iAuto, ART & SCN, no idea, I’m a pro

Wednesday 21 October 2015


White Chocolate & Pistachio Blondies based on Tom Kerridge’s recipe published in Metro 20-10-15 and adapted for a Kenwood Cooking Chef and what I had in the cupboards

300g plain flour
2tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
100g nuts: pistachio, walnut, pecan, brazil, almond
200g white chocolate
50g sesame seeds
100g butter
50g margarine, the one that brings babies
300g golden caster sugar
40ml rapeseed oil
40ml sesame oil
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla paste

Mix together flour, baking powder, sesame seeds and salt in a bowl, park
Put nuts into plastic bag and bash with end of rolling pin, add to flour
Melt butter and marge in mixer set to 70°C
Add beaten eggs, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, vanilla paste, chocolate bit by bit, beat for a couple of minutes
Add sugar
Gradually add the flour
Pour into greased 250mm square tin
Bake Gas 4 (180°C) for 30 minutes, test with skewer and put back till done, mine took 40, a bit of smearing on the skewer is ok. I don't have a 250 x 250 tin so I winged it with a bit of foil, big roasting tin and a bread tin as a spacer

Remove from oven, leave in tin for 10 minutes then cool on rack, the middle sunk and it broke a bit

Cut into cubes

Sunday 11 October 2015

Krk Cathedral

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Krk Castle

Frankopan Castle or Frankopanski Kaštel as we say in Ruislip

It was raining the first time so I went twice

Liburnian tombstones

Krk, Krk, Croatia

We had such a great time last year that we went again, first repeat ever and I expect that we'll go again and again.
Flew to Zagreb then bus to bus station, 2 hour wait then bus to Krk, Krk. Having done it, it's better to hire a car and drive from the airport.
So we arrived at the hotel pretty late and had a light meal
Mixed fish platter for two - yeah right
before retiring
From the balcony
The hotel's right by the sea and next morning it looked like this
Also from the balcony

Hotel Bor

It's about a ten minute walk to the town gate so off we go
Forward! or Вперед! as we say in Ruislip

Beach bar, looked ok, never went

Changing rooms and, err, beach

Mrs Perrin was 'ere

East gate and graffiti, oh dear

Krk's a mini Dubrovnik but without the crowds

Frankopan castle, 12th century

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Bronze depicting a lady on her way to the public laundry

Main gate and main square

Secret garden within the walls
which leads to a nice little restaurant called Volsonis

with a nice little fire
and an exit up to the main square

Main square from the other side

Excellent tiny restaurant

Merde il pleut

Girl using portable electronic device

Girl still using portable electronic device and bloke

Pipe bridge

Stone with graffiti, oh very dear

Picture of clear sea in the wrong place
Cormorant's dining table

New beer discovered, should've read the label, made by Carslberg, 'nuff said

Helluva storm one night, this was a 39 second exposure so it's a bit blurred
 Last one from the balcony

and the walk to the bus station