Monday 12 September 2016

Tomato chutney

1000gred onion, white onion & shallot
6garlic cloves
300gbrown sugar
500mlred wine vinegar
7apples (only had one so I topped it up with minced, dried apple slices)
3splashlemon juice

Skin the toms.
Seed them and keep the pulp, last time I chucked it.
Sieve the pulp.
Microwave the bits that didn't go through the sieve and sieve again. This made 400ml juice so I used ½ the water.

Mix the juice, vinegar, salt and sugar.

I use the Mighty Aligator Chopper so:

3x3mm grid - ginger and garlic

12x12mm grid - tomatoes

6x6mm grid - everything else

Place in the bowl of the Mighty Kenwood Cooking Chef, simmer for one hour.
Adjust seasoning, I added white pepper.
Boil for 15-20 minutes until thickened.

Glut of toms just before the hols

Filled 5½ 500ml Kilner jars.

If you don't have an Alligator then you can struggle with a knife but you will never achieve the same precision of chopping; they're expensive but quality don't come cheap!