Monday 7 May 2018

Biltong and other stuff

28 day aged topside not posh rump
Sharpen knife.
Cut out any membranes and nasties
Slice 3/8" thick
Desicate with salt in layers for an hour then wash off
Into cider vinegar bath for a few minutes
Coat with toasted coriander, white pepper, mustard, allspice
Put the dried meat into a container with lid and shake to remove most of the excess spices
Started at 967g, ended at 394, cost £8.00 ≡ £19.6/kg biltong. Shop bought is currently £33-45/kg

Grapefruit and orange, sliced and segmented

Err, the very thin orange slices were like orange crisps and very good. The segments didn't dry homogeneously and the middle was still moist whilst the edges were crisp; likewise the thicker grapefruit slices. Not one to repeat.

Depith the peel, slice into 1/4" thick strips, chop into 1/2" lengths
Into saucepan and cover with cold water
Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes
Drain and repeat
Add enough water to pan to cover peel and remove peel
Add equal weight of sugar and bring to boil stirring continually
Add peel and strong simmer for 1 hour
Allow to cool
Remove peel onto a drying tray with very small holes
otherwise use a Teflon™ sheet
It made 108g which would cost a quid in the shops so the the saving isn't much but it's preservative free and tastes great.