Sunday 26 November 2017

My very second soufflé




58gchocolate 79%
1.5extra whites
25gcaster suger

Butter and sugar coat ramekins.
Set the oven to Gas Mark 6, 200°C.
Place a deep baking dish on a shelf in the middle.
Boil a kettle.

Using a large saucepan, make roux, add milk, grate in chocolate, stir in beaten yolks, stir in sugar.
Whisk egg whites, stir a tablespoon or two into the mix and fold in the rest.
Fill bain marie so the water's ½ way up the ramekins.
Cook for 10 minutesish.
Hope for the best.

One flat one

One peaked one

And why you should knock the ramekins on a hard surface before cooking to get rid of cavities.
Also need to improve the folding.

Next morning steam any spares for 10 minutes

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