Tuesday 28 August 2018

Cleaning windows - PED and WER

The first bit's about Power Efficiency Diagnostics, Windows Error Reporting is but a click away

Power Efficiency Diagnostics is a program run by Task Scheduler. It may be useful in helping you set up a laptop but other than that it justs wastes disc space.
In any case you have to check the results yourself, there is no automation.
In any case2 you have to know it exists.

Below I cleaned out a million or so .xml files but left the energy-report-latest.xml file after reading dire warnings on the web. I renamed the energy-ntkl.etl then manually started Power Efficiency Diagnostics.
So it still works ok but let's kill it

Start Menu - Programs - Accessories - System Tools
and run
Task Scheduler

Find \Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics
Right click and choose Disable

Now you can clean out the detritus in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics

Windows Error Reporting is something to do with sending crash logs to you-know-who after programs have failed.
Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER and see something like this
Open those folders delete all the files, then use Task Scheduler to disable the program


Disclaimation - It works for me on Windows 7, better make sure you know how to do a Windows Restore first.
Be sure to read the next instalment

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