Wednesday 2 September 2015


The slugs were getting at the red basil so something had to be done. I'd tried copper tape before but it didn't work so what to do? How about a small stand with electrified legs to support the plant pot?
This is the outcome,
the legs are hollow and contain the wires connecting the copper rings to a battery. 

  • oak floorboard remnant
  • scrap ramin dowel
  • 22mm copper endfeed couplings
  • bell wire
  • solder
  • hot melt glue
  • pva glue
  • battery
  • battery clip - reused top from dead, err, battery
  • redundant camera filter box

  • bandsaw
  • big Jennings bit to suit legs
  • small chisel to jiggle bits out to form blind holes
  • little Jennings bit to bore out centres of legs
  • angle grinder
  • round file
  • round rasp
  • sharp knife, you know the one Stanley?
  • small gas torch for soldering wires to rings and scorching legs
  • Weller solder gun for wires inside the box  

And here it is on guard 

Here endeth the first blog entry

Update - The Test

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