Monday 20 February 2017

do us a favour

Remember this?

if you get this could you please reply?
this is a new email thingy that I have set up to use a contact form on Julias website but yahoo and gmail have sophisticated antispam precautions which rejects unauthorised emails. I have managed to become a "permitted sender"  which works for email to yahoo but it'd be nice to check others.
It's a right pita, I'm not yet approved for the contact form but softly, softly....
It's called NoReply cos if I ever get it to work the account will be reset to reject all incoming emails but at the moment it's a regular email address

ps not to bother if it gets blocked ;-)
ps2 Julia thinks I'm nuts

Thanks to all who replied, these are the responses:

  • AOL
    This is the Spam Firewall at host
    I'm sorry to inform you that the message below could not be delivered.
    When delivery was attempted, the following error was returned.
    <>: host[] said: 521 5.2.1 :
    AOL will not accept delivery of this message. (in reply to end of DATA command)
    here's the reply mate.   No idea what you're talking about and Julia's right.   You're barking.
    Yeah it worked.
    Yeah your nuts 😉
  • (via, blacklist checker I think)
    I thought it was spam - and you are nuts!  :0)
    Landed OK in my inbox - sorry about the shoddy reply time!
    Assuming you've not totally broken cPanel, maybe you'll get this?
So as a webmaster I'm not even a webapprentice

Part 2

The contact form is working now thanks to a very helpful chap at unlimitedwebhosting, hereinafter referred to as UWH, and it sends messages to me and back to the sender if requested, apart from to AOL. So I went onto and found a link to click to apply to be able to send emails to them. Chrome’s hijacked the mailto thingy so I copied the link and sent it from blueyonder. Shortly afterwards I realised that I probably should’ve sent it from the address on UWH. Anyway, the reply arrived and guess what?

Yep, straight in the spam trap

So I sent another one from noreply, received the response and followed the instructions. You have to telnet in from the mail server which is a bit of an impossibility so I telneted in from here and the connection kept dropping out. Last bit to fill in was

Comments or Notes (Optional)
it's all too hard, the only losers will be AOL clients whilst you still have some

Bitter or what?

I might continue this, on the other hand I might not, on the other hand as a metallurgist might've once said...........

I have a Ticket-ID:817640 from AOL which sort of implies that almost a million people have had some sort of problem over the years

btw, I have been using email since before the internet. Yep, the good ol' days of Compuserve which was bought by AOL.....

Then the internet arrived and you could get into it through Compuserve via the Spry Mosaic thingy, later known as a browser, if you had the patience and enough pennies for the 'phone call

to be continued, possibly but probably not

Just one last thing, AOL accepts emails directly from noreply but not those generated by the contact form
Game over

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