Sunday 3 January 2016

César Manrique's Bubble House

Manrique built a house in Tahice using five bubbles in the volcanic formation, it's 7km from Costa Teguise and costs 10 €urines in a cab. It's an amazing place with amazing views and amazing art all around by Manrique and his mates.

 One of his wind toys

Now for inside

Through the window

Just imagine that the walls are straight and the pictures are vertical, aberrations caused by the camera panorama function

Me and a tree

A red shoe

This is supposed to be curved though

Boat by Manrique

Wot no egg?

Another dunno

No panorama here, clcik on the picture for a proper view, it took me ages, I mean click.

That's shallot inside

More aberrations, mostly gone

 Hand cranked corn mill

Amazing eh?

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