Saturday 2 January 2016

The Grand Tour

El Golfo and we're off to see the Green Lagoon which we missed last time 'cause yours truly was taking photo's of some rocks and we ran out of time. Don't confuse golfo with gofio which is a toasted maize flour. The hotel presented some
 in the form of balls which were probably flavoured with honey and almonds. Mrs Doughnut bought some so we will try and create them back here in Blighty........but I digress

All this way and the sun's in our eyes.


Or click here for the Google maps version


¿One hump or two?

or Timanfaya National Park as we say in Ruislip.

A hole

Throw some brushwood into the hole

and it catches fire


Ginormous barby

Ginormous barby chimbley

Back through the park

Pitstop at Yaiza

Nativity model

Model saltworks

Local street

Town square

Traditional windbreaks for grapes

Los Jameos del Agua

Another work by Manrique, it's a tunnel through the lava with a concert hall and a café

Blind albino crabs or munidopsis polymorphae as we say in Ruislip

One wonders how they see to reproduce or maybe it's only me?

Gosh, it looks like the early stages of hanky panky

Mirador - geddit?

Blimey, I.T.M.A.

Just up the road there's a pitstop where you can see the small island La Graciosa

 quaff some local hooch,

look over Haria where Manrique ended up

 and see the observatory which turned out to be a radar dome

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