Wednesday 31 August 2016

Hare casserole part 1

Take one hare

Joint it
Sharpen knife, I forgot we have the boning knife and used the 5" Global,

and carefully remove as much of the membranes as your patience will allow
Now remove as many of the sinews  as your patience will allow
Take particular care with the loins which are on the top of the carcass. Also take out the fillets from inside. The loins and fillets can be pan fried but I don't

Use the bones for stock. I usually put the offal in as well but this time I steamed it then minced it.
Take the membranes off the kidneys, slice and soak in cold water for a while first

This lot is now going in the freezer with the minced offal wrapped separately

as it won't need searing when it's cooked

£8 well spent

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