Tuesday 18 October 2016

Apple pasties

Four manky looking Bramleys weighed in at 1036g

The plan:
Xg apples after peeling and coring
X/2g sugar
X/4g raisins
Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice....
Rough puff pastry

683g apples in the end so
350g sugar
175g raisins
500g pastry - a lump from the freezer, just about enough

Blitz the spices and sugar and place in a big bowl
Alligator the raisins
Place in the big bowl and rub around with fingers to separate the lumps

Core, peel and dump the bad bits from the apples
Slice about 10mm thick, place into big jug with a couple of slices of lemon and top up with boiling water
Put plate on top and leave for about 10 minutes then drain
Alligator the apples, this cleans the Alligator a bit so do it second

Add to big bowl and stir
It seemed a bit too wet
so I strained it
Butter the moulds, load and add tops
I tried tops smaller than the pies so that the steam would escape and the fruit would caremalise
plus some variations
Make holes for steam to escape and milk or egg wash
10minutes at Mk7 then 35 at Mk5½

The JH special weighed 268g raw
and 237g cooked
Some of the strained liquid ended up in a marinade for belly pork, the rest is going into ice cream

Mrs Doughnut thinks it's far too sweet but I don't
Next time I'd try 250g raisins, no sugar and reduce the cooking a bit

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