Friday 21 October 2016

Chrome search going to Turkey

Part 1

I like Chrome, it's fast, it's free, it's a shame that it doesn't use sRGB colourspace but I digress
I like the highlight/ right click/ search facility but a few days ago it started using
Various people have had trouble with this since 2010 or so and there is much twaddle all over the web as to what causes it

Forget clearing the cache, resetting your language, HTTP/SSL, Proxy settings and all the other tripe, this is how to fix it and if it doesn't, you can have your money back

Go into Settings (previously called Options I think, may change in the future....), find the Manage search engines button and click it

The rogue entry is at the top, carefully recreated by YouknowwhatShop
Do this

N.B. the third box should contain this, no spaces:


Chrome should now use your Google of choice for searching, like this

That may be enough but best to set the default location
Open a Google page, search for something and scroll to the bottom of the screen

Allow Google to know your location

Then this will appear at the bottom of the page


Except that the right click image search was no longer available

Part 2

I tried all sorts of alchemy, nothing worked so I used the cleanup tool, that found nothing however the final option was a reset, which I had already tried unsuccessfully but this time bingo

Oh yeah, that's my new bedtime reading

Part 2

24 hours after the 'fix' and Turkey's back, virus scan shows nothing, so I've reset the location, it's alright again but for how long?
To be continued

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